GPG & Gopass & Gitlab

GPG and how to use it Create a Key with ECC gpg --expert --full-generate-key (9) ECC and ECC (1) Curve 25519 0 = key does not expire (or whatever you prefer!) Real name: Max Muster Email address: [email protected] Comment: - pub ed25519 2022-09-04 [SC] 256ADFCEBD49C20DFACDCCABADA0F56BC7B20E6E uid Max Muster (-) <[email protected]> sub cv25519 2022-09-04 [E] Public Key max@host $ gpg /home/max/.gnupg/pubring.kbx ---------------------------- pub ed25519 2022-09-04 [SC] 256ADFCEBD49C20DFACDCCABADA0F56BC7B20E6E uid [ultimate] Max Muster (-) <max@muster.