
OpenBSD - Smokeping

How to Install Smokeping on OpenBSD Requiremens running Server with OpenBSD Root Permission FQDN with Cert Install Software pkg_add smokeping Update Config cat << 'EOF' >/etc/smokeping/config *** General *** owner = YOUR NAME contact = [email protected] mailhost = localhost sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail # NOTE: do not put the Image Cache below cgi-bin # since all files under cgi-bin will be executed ... this is not # good for images. imgcache = /var/www/htdocs/smokeping/cache imgurl = cache datadir = /var/db/smokeping piddir = /var/run cgiurl = https://YOUR.

Kuma - API

i like kuma. simple, flexibel, selfhosted, and open source. one thing i missed is an API for adding / modifing hosted services. now, i found a webapi for kuma and gave a try. pre-condition you have some Maschine with Docker you have traefik running, which can terminate TLS, handle Loadbalancing docker-compose.yml version: '3.3' networks: traefik: external: true volumes: uptime-kuma: api-db: services: kuma: container_name: uptime-kuma image: louislam/uptime-kuma:1.19.6 restart: always volumes: - uptime-kuma:/app/data networks: - traefik labels: - "traefik.

OpenBSD - NTopNG

NTOPNG with Self Signed Cert ntopng is a network traffic probe that provides 360° Network visibility, with its ability to gather traffic information from traffic mirrors, Netflow exporters, SNMP devices, Firewall logs, Intrusion Detection systems. package as root pkg_add ntopng Cert To use HTTPS on the built-in web server, create /etc/ssl/ntopng-cert.pem containing both the private key and certificate in the same file and make this readable by the _ntopng user. Use the -W flag to listen on HTTPS.

Docker - Kuma Monitoring

Intro got a hint to try a nice monitoring tool. kuma. pre-condition you have traefik running and a wildcard certificate for a domain. see the previous posts … .env we need few variables, edit the touch section appropriately cat << 'EOF' > .env # touch HOST="kuma" DOMAIN="your.domain" PORT=3001 # don't touch SERVICE="${HOST}" EOF docker-compose.yml … and the docker compose file … cat << 'EOF' > docker-compose.yml version: '3.3' networks: traefik: external: true services: uptime-kuma: image: louislam/uptime-kuma:1 container_name: uptime-kuma restart: always volumes: - .

Update Checkmk

how to update checkmk let’s assume you already have a running version of checkmk. You should install patches / updated every few month. Main and Download URL’s Main URL: Download and Install Package Login as Root v="2.0.0p25" cd /tmp wget -O checkmk.deb "${v}/check-mk-raw-${v}_0.bullseye_amd64.deb" gdebi checkmk.deb Update Checkmk Switch User … su - mysite .. Switch User and start Update omd status omd version omd stop omd update omd start Cleanup exit omd cleanup Check Application Open Browser, check News and Plugins


Some Install Notes download and scp check-mk-enterprise-1.6.0p15.demo_0.buster_amd64.deb -> enterprise microkernel, 2 x 10 Hosts download and scp check-mk-raw-1.6.0p15_0.buster_amd64.deb -> raw edition, nagios kernel ssh root@localhost apt-get install dpkg-sig libnet-snmp-perl snmp wget gpg --import Check_MK-pubkey.gpg dpkg-sig --verify /tmp/check-mk-enterprise-1.6.0p15.demo_0.buster_amd64.deb apt-get install gdebi-core gdebi /tmp/check-mk-raw-1.6.0p15_0.buster_amd64.deb omd version omd create mysite omd config oder omd restore /tmp/mysite.tar.gz Install v2.0 and migrate existing Config download file: check-mk-raw-2.0.0p5_0.buster_amd64.deb scp check-mk-raw-2.0.0p5_0.buster_amd64.deb host227:/tmp/ Prepare New Host apt install -y dpkg-sig libnet-snmp-perl snmp wget https://checkmk.