

IPv6 Client mit OpenBSD Stateless Autoconfig ifconfig vether0 slaacd falls der Router im RA ein “Managed Address Configuration: Set” schickt, muss der Client eine DHCPv6 Anfrage an den DHCPv6 Server schicken. OpenBSD hat das im Base System nicht drin, drum installieren wird den Client pkg_add dhcpcd umweg ~# cat /etc/dhcpcd.conf ipv6only noipv6rs duid persistent option rapid_commit require dhcp_server_identifier # disable running any hooks; not typically required for simple DHCPv6-PD setup script "" # List interfaces explicitly so that dhcpcd doesn't touch others allowinterfaces vether0 interface vether0 # the following two lines tell dhcpcd to do router solicitation # itself.


DualStack & Prefix Delegation with OpenBSD OS: OpenBSD 6.5 Hint: wide-dhcpv6-20080615p9 was not working fine. So, i gave a try with dhcpcd Install Package pkg_add dhcpcd-7.1.1p4 Configure dhcpcd /etc/dhcpcd.conf ipv6only noipv6rs duid persistent option rapid_commit require dhcp_server_identifier # disable running any hooks; not typically required for simple DHCPv6-PD setup script "" # List interfaces explicitly so that dhcpcd doesn't touch others allowinterfaces em1 vlan108 vlan110 vlan112 interface em1 # the following two lines tell dhcpcd to do router solicitation # itself.